Search Results
سورة القلم - Al-Qalam | Shaikh Jazza Al-Suwailih’s Recitation of the Quran
سورة الإنسان - Al-Insan | Shaikh Jazza Al-Suwailih’s Recitation of the Quran
سورة الملك - Al-Mulk | Shaikh Jazza Al-Suwailih’s Recitation of the Quran
سورة النبأ - An-Naba | Shaikh Jazza Al-Suwailih’s Recitation of the Quran
سورة الممتحنة - Al-Mumtahinah | Shaikh Jazza Al-Suwailih’s Recitation of the Quran
سورة النحل - An-Nahl | Shaikh Jazza Al-Suwailih’s Recitation of the Quran
سورة البروج - Al-Buruj | Shaikh Jazza Al-Suwailih’s Recitation of the Quran
سورة المطففين - Al-Mutaffifin | Shaikh Jazza Al-Suwailih’s Recitation of the Quran
سورة المدثر - Al-Muddaththir | Shaikh Jazza Al-Suwailih’s Recitation of the Quran
سورة النساء - An-Nisaa' | Shaikh Jazza Al-Suwailih’s Recitation of the Quran